Once for Life

Once for Life

Creating transformational gene therapies that treat the most prevalent diseases to restore health and renew life

Renova Therapeutics envisions a future in which we’re able to treat chronic diseases with gene therapies. The company is focused on developing definitive treatments to restore health to people suffering from some of the most common and devastating chronic conditions in the world: congestive heart failure and type 2 diabetes. Renova Therapeutics’ investigational gene therapies are based on carefully validated and proprietary insights into disease mechanisms and our founders’ nearly 50 combined years of pioneering work in the gene therapy field. This experience enables us to generate an entirely original platform of therapeutics and delivery systems that in a single dose may provide durable, life-long treatments for chronic diseases, including congestive heart failure and type 2 diabetes. In congestive heart failure, this approach has the potential to improve the function of damaged hearts and restore active health to patients. Our gene therapy research appears in numerous peer-reviewed articles that establish the scientific rationale and evidence supporting the development of our pipeline and our novel approach to delivering gene therapies.

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Latest News:  June 2024 | Renova Therapeutics Announces Potential Expansion of Gene Therapy Platform for Heart Failure, Diabetes and Related Conditions

  May 2024 | Renova Therapeutics Announces Strategic Focus and Roadmap Prioritization for Its Gene Therapies to Treat Heart Failure and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

  March 2023 | Renova is pleased and honored to have David Horwitz (MD, Ph.D., MBA) join the Renova Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). Dr. Horwitz is a world-renowned expert in metabolic diseases. He is a former Global Chief Medical Officer (Johnson & Johnson Diabetes Institute), a former executive at major pharmaceutical companies, a former Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Illinois and a former member of the FDA Advisory Panel in Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology.

  December 2022 | International Regulatory Status. The British Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) on December 20, 2022, awarded Renova Therapeutics the Innovation Passport (IP) for RT-200 (AAV8.Ucn2) in the treatment of patients with T2DM with Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) ≥.8.0% on metformin, and diet and exercise program.

  August 2022 |Renova was awarded an Innovation Passport (IP) by the Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (UK). The UK’s Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) awarded Renova Therapeutics the Innovation Passport (IP) for AC6 in the treatment Ambulatory patients with symptomatic low ejection fraction (40% or lower) heart failure with elevated NT-Pro-BNP on August 10, 2022,

  June 2022 |Renova Therapeutics received a Notice of Award for Urocortin-2 Gene Transfer for Type 1 Diabetes and Associated LV Dysfunction. The grant was supported by the National Heart, Lung, And Blood Institute of the National Institute of Health under Award Number 4R42HL144299-02. This content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute of Health.

  June 2023 |Global Health Day

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